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Youth in Happa risk terrorist recruitment amid soaring unemployment

Young people in the Happa community near Hamile in the Lambussie District are warning that they could become targets for terrorist recruitment if the high unemployment rates in the community persist.

Happa is close to the Volatile Burkina Faso border. Mr Kanton Abubakari, a senior high school graduate speaking to Info Radio in Happa, mentioned that many of his peers who have completed senior high school are in the community with no sources of income, creating a dire situation in the community.He stressed that the escalating unemployment among the youth is driving them to the brink of desperation.

“We are close to the border, and these Jihadist and Terrorist people are recruiting the youth. As we sit now, we do not have any job to do, even GHC5.00 we don’t have. What shows that we should not join these terrorist groups if they approach as with Juicy offers? Youth unemployment is becoming a threat in this community,” Mr Abubakari stated.

In recent years, the country has experienced numerous terrorist incidents, including a devastating attack in March 2024 that claimed 73 lives. The proximity of Happa to the Burkina Faso border raises concerns about the potential spillover of extremist activities.

Mr Abubakari noted that as the 2024 elections draw closer, young people in Happa will vote for any candidate that will solve the unemployment situation in the community.

“In the upcoming election, we will vote for any candidate who will solve or show efforts to solve our problems. As for promises, we have heard enough of them, and we are not going to take promises any longer.”

Mr Abubakari Abdul Moomin, the Assembly member for Happa Electoral Area, admonished the youth in Happa to remain calm and not engage in activities that destroy the community's reputation.

“Times are hard and it is not only Happa, but the entire country. Be patient and don’t go and engage in any illegality or join any group to destroy the good name of Happa. Happa has a good reputation in this Lambussie district. It may take a while but things will get better.”

Mr George Gerard Naluri, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Lambussie, stated that the assembly is implementing some projects to deal with the unemployment situation in Happa and the entire district.   He noted that twenty (20) women from the community received free training in shea butter processing with tools and equipment.

He mentioned that the assembly has also made available GHC800,000.00 to support various groups in the district in their areas of trade.

Mr Naluri noted that GHC10,000.00 is allocated to women in the Happa community to boost their businesses.

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