Residents of Piree near Sombo in the Nadowli – Kaleo District are calling for financial support to complete a delivery room at the Piree Community-based Health Planning and Services, CHPS to ease the stress pregnant women go through to access delivery services.
John Balunbuuri, a community health volunteer, told Info Radio that the community contributed resources to construct a delivery room for the CHPS facility but that the project has come to a standstill. This he said is due to inadequate funds and lack of support from the government.
Mr. Balunburri note that delivery services and other health service delivery are conducted in a single room.
Narrating her frustrations, a pregnant woman, Jacqueline Desmond says their privacy is always invaded by patients who visit the CHPS facility for service delivery since they are treated in the same room. A situation she described as unpleasant.
Meanwhile, the In-Charge of the Piree CHPS, Tengan Mary Immaculate said politicians have come to pick estimates of the facility on several occasions, mostly in political seasons, but has failed to honor their promise after elections.
The residents, therefore, appealed to the Nadowli-Kaleo District Assembly, benevolent individuals and organizations to come to their assistance.