Admirable Miss Dumba queen, Miss Lilian Naalu-Ib who unfortunately could not continue in the contest after facing eviction last Saturday, says she remained committed to the services of society despite her loss.
Her journey, and fervent dreams for society, to the crown, ended last Saturday night after she could not win the hearts of judges and the audience to continue.
Miss Lilian Sunday posted on her Facebook wall: “Despite the inopportune reality, I remain committed to the services of society and would love us to continue this together for a better society.”
She thanked her supporters, sympathizers and fans for their support, prayers and votes for her bid in the Miss Dumba contest.

Her last performance on stage took her audience through the traditional funeral processes of the Dagaaba people, specifically the people of Lawra where she hailed.
She exuded deep knowledge of the cultural processes, the apparel and their essence on stage but unfortunately had to fall out.
She desired to leverage the Miss Dumba title to deepen her impact in the social support areas of adolescent reproductive health, targeting teenage pregnancy and school dropout; and mental health to promote the wellbeing of the mentally challenged in society.
She said her rather untimely withdrawal from the contest was not going to change any of that as she continued to contribute her widow's mite to the services.
On the Sunday, other posts on her Facebook wall saw her at Kaleo and Nadowli in the Upper West Region interacting with some mental ill-health persons and community leaders in what appeared to be ground preparations for this year's World Mental Health Day celebration.
The Bahass Foundation with which she volunteers earmarked Nadowli for this year's celebration.