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Hafiz Konkoni highlights poor salaries as key driver of player exodus in Ghana

Hafiz Konkoni, a former forward for Bechem United and Young Africans, has expressed concerns about the departure of players from Ghana, citing inadequate salaries as the main reason.


In an interview with Info Radio in Wa, he emphasized that "poor salaries lead to a high player exodus in Ghana."


Konkoni's comments highlight the significant issue affecting Ghanaian football and stress the need for better financial incentives to retain talents in the country.


Currently on loan at Club Olympics in Libya, the dynamic forward emphasized the importance of financial stability for players. "I play for the money, not for the Ballon D’Or," he stated.


Despite his stellar performance on the field, which has earned him a reputation as a dependable striker, Konkoni prioritizes securing his future, underscoring the practical side of a footballer's career amidst the glamour of the sport.


He also shared his ambitions to play in European football, stating, "I would love to play for Manchester United when I get the opportunity to play in Europe."


His impressive performances have fueled his determination to join the Premier League giants, marking a significant step in his career aspirations.

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