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Daffiama Traditional Council enskins new Chief and Queenmother for Saapare

Osman Tahiru Kaapore

The Daffiama Traditional Council has officially outdoored Naa Tiili Dongdori Dumah Songdire I and Pognaa Bolaama Ngmenemaale I as the Divisional Chief and Queenmother of Daffiama Saapare, respectively.


The colorful ceremony, which took place on Saturday, December 28, 2024, was attended by dignitaries, traditional leaders, and community members.


Naa Tiili Dongdori Dumah Songdire I, the newly installed Divisional Chief, is expected to provide visionary leadership and guidance to the people of Daffiama Saapare.


In his first address as the chief for Saapare, Naa Songdire I outlined his vision for the community.


“We will patronize initiatives that empower families socially, economically and spiritually. We will invest in the education and development of our youth, providing them with the necessary skills and opportunities to become future leaders. This inclue academic support, skill triaining, mentorship programmes and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship.


“We will work tirelessly to improve access to equal healthcare for all community members. We will promote healthy lifestyles, raise awareness about preventable diseases and support initiatives that promote our people physical and mental wellbeing. We will promote dialogues, underatnding and tolerance among all members of our community. We will work to resolve conflicts peacefuly and build bridges across different groups,” he added

Pognaa Bolaama Ngmenemaale I, the new Queenmother, brings a wealth of wisdom and compassion to her role. She is expected to play a vital role in promoting the welfare and development of women and children in the community.


Pognaa Ngmenemaale I mentioned that, she will focus on advocacy and lobby for initiatives that enhance the development of the traditional area.


“I will work closely with our leaders, NGOs, and community members to identify critical areas of need and develop strategies to address them. Amongst all, education will remain at the heart of my efforts. I believe that education is the key to unlocking the potential of our people, especially our girls and women. I will advocate for increased access to quality education, vocational training, and economic empowerment programs that benefit our women and girls.


“Mr. Chairman, our traditional area deserves to thrive, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that we leave a lasting legacy for future generations. In this regard, I will support efforts and prioritize initiatives that promote healthcare, sanitation, and environmental sustainability in the Daffiama Traditional Area.”


“To my fellow women and girls, I see you, I hear you, and I am committed to amplifying your voices. I believe in your potential, and I will work to create opportunities for you to grow, learn, and thrive,” Pognaa Ngmenemaale I added.

The Paramount Chief of the Daffiama Traditional Council, Naa Dikomwine Domolae II advised the newly enskinned chief and Pognaa to serve their people with dignity and wisdom.


The outdooring ceremony was marked by traditional drumming, dancing, and the display of rich cultural heritage.

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